Friday, 21 November 2014

Unable to open Emails using a web-browser ( IE , Mozilla or Google Chrome )

Safe Web-Browsing for Securing our Identity over the Internet

It happens a lot and most of the people who are accessing there email using a Web - Browser , that sometimes they are unable to access the email or sometimes it says that the password or email is incorrect .

The online world uses 3 Web-Browsers the most :

- Internet Explorer .

- Mozilla Firefox 

- And now a Days the most popular ( Google Chrome )

If we are using internet ,  first we are prone to threats and infections which can keep your online identity At Risk .

In order to protect your computers and your internet , there are lot of companies who have initiated a foot-step to secure the internet , by launching the Internet Securities and Network Protection .

However we are still not protected as there are lot of people who are good enough to break any security or protection .

And how they do that :

- Using Scam Emails .

- Using unnecessary software's , which indicates that its for a good purpose and its free . And after installing it you get to know that if something is coming free of cost  , there is always a purpose behind it .

- Using Social Networking sites , porn sites and other irrelevant web search which shows up attractive woman , things and content which can attract you and force you to click on it .

I have worked for people to make their computers safe and secure and always found that they have downloaded and installed something which has got no relevance with their work or circle.

Now how we can stop that . 

* Stop using online searches which has got no certified publishers .

* Don't click on Ads which offer you a lot of money and usable things free .

* Always open your emails carefully after identifying the senders information .

Get a Technician for Remote Support and Voice support which can remove all these Infections from your computer at regular intervals .

Broadcasting this message for  Internet Awareness and for a safe - secure browsing experience and to slap people who are willing to harm people with their destructive minds . 
